Tuesday 3 June 2008

Local drama and broad comedy

Study: Niche audiences respond to niche marketing

Marketing of dramatic films benefits from a mix of media buys skewing heavily toward local television, while comedy campaigns get bigger bang for the buck from network spots, according to a recently issued research report.

The Nielsen PreView report, based on an analysis of 400 wide-release movies released from September 2005-December, assessed the relative results of ad dollars spent in five areas: network, cable and local television; newspapers; and the Internet and other new media.

The study grouped films statistically based on the amount of dollars spent in those categories, then compared the approaches for cost efficiency as measured by resulting boxoffice. It was launched in March, and a report recently was posted to Nielsen PreView's Web site

"This highlights that niche audiences like drama need niche media choices," Nielsen PreView's Dan O'Toole said. "Conversely, broad appeal genres like comedy need broad reach vehicles like network. The reality is, however, that most marketers are not executing to their full potential (and) marketers who are willing to rethink and execute new media strategies stand to increase media efficiency by over 50%."

Nielsen PreView research draws from across the Nielsen Co.'s family of data and information businesses, including boxoffice data service Nielsen EDI, media info service Nielsen Media Research and other corporate units. The Nielsen Co.'s Nielsen Business Media is parent company to The Hollywood Reporter.

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